Call for reviewers and editors
The Journal of Worldwide Education (JOWE) is the flagship publication of the JALT Study Abroad SIG. We are currently seeking reviewers and editorial board members for the journal. Please complete the form below if you are interested in serving as a reviewer and/or editor. If applying to be a reviewer, you will be officially registered as such upon submitting the form, making you eligible to receive requests in the future to review manuscripts that align with your interests and experience. If applying for an editorial board position, we will get in touch shortly after you have submitted the form. We look forward to working with you. Questions? Please contact the SA-SIG publications chair. |
『The Journal of Worldwide Education』(JOWE) は全国語学教育学会(JALT)海外留学研究部会の査読付学術誌です。JOWEでは査読者と編集委員を募集しています。興味のある方はこちらのフォームの記入をお願いします。 記入が完了すると査読者として登録されます。編集委員をご希望の場合は追って連絡いたします。 ご応募お待ちしております。 問い合わせ先: SA-SIG publications chair(出版委員長) |