You are able to apply for one 30-minute presentation (either a research-based presentation or skills workshop) AND/OR a poster presentation (If you want to do both, you will need to do two separate applications on the site). Poster presentations will be given their own distinct time slot this year so there is no chance of a clash.
This year we are revamping the Conference Proceedings and making it easier for you to submit. You will notice when you submit your proposal (posters included) that there is a box for you to write a slightly longer abstract of 250-500 words for the conference proceedings, alongside your original proposal. We would like to strongly encourage you to do this. The conference proceedings are an opportunity for you to get another publication under your belt for not a whole lot of additional work, and an opportunity for the conference to reach a wider audience and boost our overall publications output. Please do consider submitting an extended abstract with your proposal - it will likely only take a few extra minutes. (TIP: Save your draft abstracts before you start cutting them down to 150 words!) The deadline for proposals for the conference is Sunday September 8th 2024. To make it easier for everyone to plan and make arrangements, we are going to try and appraise submissions this year on a rolling basis, rather than waiting until all submissions are in and then going through them. This means that we should (hopefully) be able to get back to you within 14 days of your submission with a decision. That's all for now. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via email, Facebook or Discord. We are really looking forward to your conference proposals! Best wishes, Your Study Abroad SIG Officers PS: Those of you who attended last year may notice that the presentation slots are a little shorter this year - feedback from last year's conference told us that you wanted to be able to attend more different presentations during the day, so this is a way for us to achieve that. Dear Study Abroad SIG Members,
We're thrilled to share more exciting news about PanSIG 2024, happening from May 24th to 26th in the beautiful city of Fukui. As part of this conference, we've finalized the details for our Study Abroad SIG Workshop and Poster Session focusing on SA Lessons and Activities. This session is set to take place on Saturday, May 25th from 13:20 to 14:50. Session Overview: Our 90-minute combined workshop and poster session is designed to explore the creation of enriching lessons and activities before, during, and after study abroad experiences. This is an excellent opportunity for attendees to share innovative ideas, pose questions, and gain inspiration from their peers. Agenda:
The workshop and poster session will be held in room 2-602. We encourage you to take advantage of the Early Bird Registration to secure your participation. Register today at: (Pre-registration deadline extended until May 17th!) Looking forward to an engaging and insightful session with all of you in Fukui. Let's make this an event to remember! Best wishes, Your Study Abroad SIG Officers Dear Study Abroad SIG members, I hope you are well and having a great start to 2024. Some exciting news about PanSIG 2024! (24-26th May in Fukui). The Study Abroad SIG is planning to host a session at the PanSIG conference titled: Study Abroad SIG: Workshop and Poster Session - SA Lessons and Activities. This session will be an 80-minute combined workshop and poster session about creating pre, post and during-study abroad lessons and activities. It will be an opportunity to share ideas, ask questions and be inspired! The workshop part of the session will be led by our very own Paul Horness. We are inviting all Study Abroad SIG members to put forward proposals /submissions to present a poster about a study abroad lesson or activity during the session. The lesson or activity can be anything study abroad related and can be for pre, post or during-study abroad. Submissions can be made using this webform on the Study Abroad SIG website. The deadline for poster submissions is Sunday 25th February. We really look forward to seeing you (and your poster) in Fukui! Best wishes, Your Study Abroad SIG Officers Submissions are now closed. Thank you for your interest. Those who missed the keynote address at our 2023 conference can watch it below. [The video is no longer available.]
Simon Humphries is a professor of intercultural communication and the director of study abroad partner negotiations for the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies (FFLS), Kansai University. His research focuses on fluctuations in students’ capacity to speak (CTS) before, during and after SA (see Humphries, S., Aubrey, S., & King, J. (2023). Fluctuations in Japanese English majors’ capacity to speak before, during and after studying abroad. System, 113, 103001. In line with the theme of this conference, Changing Trends in Study Abroad - The Past, The Present, And The Future, Simon drew upon his experience—and feedback from students, colleagues and partner universities—to explore the changing landscape of study abroad by answering the following questions:
His first taste of study abroad was in the mid-90s studying business in France at ESC Bordeaux. He negotiated his first overseas partnership for Kindai University Technical College with a British college in 2003, and then advised students for SA in Doshisha University’s English Department, before joining the FFLS negotiation team at Kansai University in 2014.
His research focuses on fluctuations in students’ capacity to speak (CTS) before, during and after SA (see Humphries, S., Aubrey, S., & King, J. (2023). Fluctuations in Japanese English majors’ capacity to speak before, during and after studying abroad. System, 113, 103001. In line with the theme of this conference, Changing Trends in Study Abroad - The Past, The Present, And The Future, Simon will draw upon his experience—and feedback from students, colleagues and partner universities—to explore the changing landscape of study abroad by answering the following questions:
We are really looking forward to welcoming Simon, and all of you, to our conference on November 4th. A reminder that more information (including, as of today, an outline schedule!) can be found on the conference pages on our website. Best wishes, Your Study Abroad SIG Officers Dear esteemed SIG members, it’s been a while! Following the sudden departure of our Coordinator and Program Chair back in April, we’ve been working behind the scenes to get things in the SIG back up and running. Part of that has involved recruiting a new Coordinator and Program Chair and we’re pleased to announce that we have now filled these roles. Our new Coordinator is Thomas (Tom) Legge and our new Program Chair is Delano Cannegieter. We would like to host a Zoom Meeting to introduce the new (and not-so-new!) officers, discuss our plans for this year’s Study Abroad SIG conference (which we are planning to hold in person this year!), the JALT International Conference, and finally some of our plans for the SIG moving forwards. We’d be really keen to talk with you guys, answer questions and gather feedback about what you would like to see the SIG doing in the future as well. We would therefore like to ask all of you to join us for a Zoom Meeting on Tuesday 18th July at 20:00 JST. The meeting information is as follows:
Any questions or queries whatsoever, please do get in touch via Facebook, email, or carrier pigeon. We hope so see everyone on the 18th!
Best wishes Your Study Abroad SIG Dear Study Abroad SIG Member, We would like to inform you about the change to the Study Abroad SIG Conference scheduled to be held at Mejiro University on September 10, 2022. Due to the current spread of COVID-19 in Tokyo, we have made the difficult decision to switch from the face to face format to online via Zoom. There is no change to the originally scheduled date and time. On conference day, presentations and our Annual General Meeting will be accessible in Zoom breakout rooms. The conference program and other information can be found at the bottom of this post. Here are the conference details:
Study Abroad SIG Website: The SA SIG Conference is open to JALT and non-JALT members alike. This year’s conference theme is "Moving Forward Post Pandemic." Our plenary speaker is Aaron Sponseller from Osaka Jogakuin College on the topic of "Mixed Methods Study Abroad Research: Will Marrying Modern Statistics and Novel Qualitative Techniques Answer Our Biggest Questions?". We look forward to seeing you at this year’s conference. Best Regards, Lyndell Nagashima, Coordinator Miho Suzuki, Program Chair SA SIG Conference Co-hosts
Study Abroad SIG Conference開催方法の変更のお知らせ 海外留学SIG会員のみなさま 9月10日に目白大学で開催を予定しているStudy Abroad SIG Conferenceの開催方法の変更についてご連絡をいたします。現在、東京では新型コロナウイルスの感染が拡大しているため、本学会の開催方法を対面開催からZoomでのオンライン開催に切り替えることにいたしました。本研究会、年次総会はZoomでの開催となります。つきましては、開催方法の変更をご承諾の上、ご参加くださいますことをお願いいたします。スケジュールは以下の添付ファイルをご確認ください。 オンライン開催への変更に際して以下の点にご注意いただき、ご参加ください。
Study Abroad SIG Website: JALTの会員・非会員に関わらず、どなたでも参加することができます。 今年度の研究会のテーマは「ポスト・パンデミックに向けた取り組み」です。基調講演は大阪女学院大学のアーロン・スポンセラー先生をお招きいたします。タイトルは、"Mixed Methods Study Abroad Research: Will Marrying Modern Statistics and Novel Qualitative Techniques Answer Our Biggest Questions?"です。 学会でお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。 SA SIG Conference 共同ホスト 長島リンドー(Coordinator) 鈴木美穂(Program Chair)
Date: Saturday, September 10, 2022 Time: 9:00-17:00 (Japan) Venue: Mejiro University (4-31-1 Nakaochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo) Access - Participation Fee: SA SIG member - Free / JALT member -1,000 yen / Non-member - 2,000 yen / Students - Free *Please pay participation fee in cash on conference day Registration: Please register with the Google form below by Wednesday, August 31. Link & QR Registration Google form:
開催日:2022年9月10日(土) 時間:9:00-17:00 会場:目白大学(東京都新宿区中落合4-31-1) アクセス- 参加費:全国語学教育学会海外留学研究部会会員(SA SIG member):無料
Link & QR Registration Google form: The call for proposals for the 2022 Study Abroad SIG Conference has been extended. We look forward to your participation. Call for Proposals 【Submission Deadline: S̶u̶n̶d̶a̶y̶,̶ ̶J̶u̶l̶y̶ ̶1̶0̶t̶h̶ Sunday, July 31st】 1.Open Conference Submission is open to JALT and non-JALT members alike. 2.Presentation Content We invite proposals that will discuss study abroad both outbound and inbound. Presentations may be delivered in English or Japanese. Possible topics include, but not limited to: ・Best practices in study abroad ・Study abroad risk management ・Effectiveness of study abroad ・Student experiences 3. Session Type Presentations will be face-to-face on campus. (1)Full Presentation - 20 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A and setup/pack down (2)Poster Presentation - 10 minutes presentation (A0 size, on rotation during 30-minute session), 5 minutes pack down 4.Application Please submit your application from Google form by S̶u̶n̶d̶a̶y̶,̶ ̶J̶u̶l̶y̶ ̶1̶0̶ Sunday, July 31. Notification of Acceptance: e̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶J̶u̶l̶y̶ beginning of August (1) Presenter(s) Details and Contact information (2) Presentation type (Full presentation or Poster presentation) (3) Presentation Title (4) Abstract
Link Application Google form: 海外留学研究部会研究学会 2022の発表募集期間を延長いたします。みなさまの参加申し込みをお待ちしています。
発表募集【発表申込締切:7̶月̶1̶0̶日̶(̶日̶) 7月31日(日)】 1.発表資格 JALTの会員・非会員に関わらず、どなたでも発表することができます。 2.発表内容 海外留学(受入・派遣)に関する発表を募集します。発表言語は日本語、英語どちらでも構いません。 以下の内容に関わるものを歓迎しますが、それ以外の内容でも応募可能です。 ・海外留学の実践 ・海外留学のリスク管理 ・海外留学の有効性 ・学生の海外留学の経験 3.発表形態 発表は学内で対面で行います。 (1)口頭発表:発表20分、質疑応答・準備片付け5分 (2)ポスター発表(A0サイズ):発表10分・質疑応答5分を2回(計30分)、片付け5分 4. 申し込み方法 発表申し込みは7̶月̶1̶0̶日̶(̶日̶) 7月31日(日)までに以下のGoogle formよりお申し込みください。 査読結果は7̶月̶末̶ 8月初旬にお知らせします。 (1)名前、メールアドレス、ご所属等 (2)発表形式(口頭発表/ポスター発表) (3)発表タイトル (4)発表要旨(発表する言語で記載)英語の要旨:75-100語、日本語の要旨:150-200字 Link Application Google form: |