About the ConferenceThe JALT Study Abroad SIG are delighted to welcome you back to our first face-to-face conference since before the pandemic. This year, our theme is Changing Trends in Study Abroad - The Past, The Present, And The Future. This conference is an opportunity not only to reflect on the life-changing events of the last few years but also to consider some of the challenges currently faced by both teachers and students in the Study Abroad field. Perhaps most importantly, however, it is a chance to look to the future and to think about how study abroad is likely to change and how teachers and students must adapt to achieve their goals. We really look forward to seeing you in person this year!
カンファレンスについて海外留学分科会は、パンデミック前以来の対面式カンファレンスに再び皆様をお迎えできることを嬉しく思います。今年のテーマは「留学のトレンドの変化 ー 過去、現在、そして未来」です。このカンファレンスは、ここ数年の人生を変えるような出来事を振り返るだけでなく、海外留学の分野で教員と学生の双方が現在直面している課題について考える機会でもあります。しかし、おそらく最も重要なことは、未来に目を向け、留学がどのように変化していくのか、また、目標を達成するために教員と学生がどのように適応していかなければならないのかを考える機会でもあるということではないでしょうか。今年は皆様と、直接お会いできることを本当に楽しみにしています!
Our keynote speaker for this year’s conference will be Simon Humphries PhD. Simon Humphries is a professor of intercultural communication and the director of study abroad partner negotiations for the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies (FFLS), Kansai University.
His first taste of study abroad was in the mid-90s studying business in France at ESC Bordeaux. He negotiated his first overseas partnership for Kindai University Technical College with a British college in 2003, and then advised students for SA in Doshisha University’s English Department, before joining the FFLS negotiation team at Kansai University in 2014. His research focuses on fluctuations in students’ capacity to speak (CTS) before, during and after SA (see Humphries, S., Aubrey, S., & King, J. (2023). Fluctuations in Japanese English majors’ capacity to speak before, during and after studying abroad. System, 113, 103001. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2023.103001) |
Conference Details